Build Better Bones

Stress Less by Reducing the Fear of Fracture so that you CAN Move More!

Inside the Build Better Bones Class Package...

Dr. Stephanie guides you through lessons, assessments, and practices to address MANY ways to reduce the risk of fracture.

 You searched the internet for advice.

But you are still confused about what treatments will work for YOU.


How do you safely perform WEIGHT-BEARING Exercise?


How do you feel safe building MUSCULAR STRENGTH with resistance training if you have never done it before?


How do you Improve Your BALANCE and decrease your risk for FALLING?


How do you also care for arthritic joints while improving bone health?


What if I told you that all you need is a frequent and consistent DOSE of the right kind of EXERCISE?

Would you give it a try?

"Hi Stephanie, I received good news on my bone density report. Compared to 2 years ago, I have increased 4% in my hip and 8% in my spine."

consistent class attendance since September 2020

This Bundle of Classes Includes Exercise  Progression just like an episode of Physical Therapy!

Dr. Stephanie guides you through safe movement practices along a progress so that you can feel confident that you are doing the RIGHT movements to Build Better Bones. 

By the end of each class you will:

#1 Practice movements that keep the spine safe while bending forward

#2 Gain strength in thigh muscles that move you from sit to stand

#3 Gain confidence for stepping up and out...of your limited comfort zone

#4 Progress strength with movements proven to build bone density

#5 Jump and land with controlled impact to stimulate hip and spine bone growth

#6 Safely use free weights and resistance bands like a pro

#7 Challenge your balance and reduce risk and fear of falling

#8 Notice all of the positive side effects of moderate-intensity exercise...sleep better, lose weight, increase your energy level!

...and much MORE!

27 Practice Videos in all!

Dr. Stephanie Carter Kelley, has been teaching these Yoga Physical Therapy classes for the last 6 years and her students can see and feel the results!

Dr. STEPHANIE blends her expertise as a Physical Therapist and College Professor with Exercise and Yoga Science.

Yes!  There is HOPE even with the diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia.  You don't need to succumb to the degenerative aging process.

Yes! Sign Up for Stronger Bones

The Build Better Bones Class Package Includes:

  • A private session with Dr. Stephanie to personalize your program and get your questions answered

  • 2-hr. webinar to understand more about your diagnosis

  • 3 Guided meditations to reduce stress and optimize bone resorption

  • 8 60-minute beginner practices to teach you safe yoga movements

  • 2 60-minute balance practices to decrease your risk of falling

  • 5 30-minute resistance training practice using body weight, bands or dumbbells

  • 9 60-minute resistance training practices based on the LIFTMOR study used to build bone!


50% Complete

Two Step

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