Prepare your Nervous System for Core Training

The Video You Need to Release Tension

Use this gentle movement practice to explore where you are holding tension in your body and with repetitions release.

Once you experience release of superficial muscle tension, your deep core will respond with support for your spine, hips and shoulders.

I'm Ready. Send me the Video!

Access the Video Now for 30 Minutes of Gentle Movement that will:

  • Release Tension via Deep Breathing, the first step to training your deep core muscles
  • Explore and Create supported and gentle movement of the spine, shoulders and hips.  
  • Re-set the autonomic nervous system in a way that will allow full engagement of the deep core muscles. 

Trust Me! I've been in your shoes... 


I'm Stephanie Carter Kelley, a Physical Therapist that uses Yoga in  everything that I do.   Even though I knew exactly how to train my muscular core from a biomechanical and exercise perspective, nothing that I did led to sustained core activation or less low back pain.

Yoga personally helped me Go Beyond the Physical aspects of my tension, stress and pain.  Now I help clients  address negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions along with restoring strength, flexibility and balance to

"Engage and Empower their Core"


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