Safely Teach Yoga for Low Back Pain Relief
As a yoga teacher, your knowledge and skills are needed to make pain relief accessible to the nearly 75% of adults who suffer with low back during their life.
Learn from Dr. Stephanie, experienced Physical Therapist, Educator and Yoga Teacher
20 hours of Online Training
In this advanced yoga teacher training, you will learn to...
Discriminate between myths and facts about low back pain to design effective cuing that will help clients make sense of their chronic low back pain
Recognize common bioenergetic, psychosocial, and spiritual impairments in people with chronic low back pain and properly sequence classes to optimize the holistic benefits of yoga.
Implement and guide discussion about yoga philosophy that supports current pain science concepts to reduce suffering from chronic low back pain.
Teach therapeutic yoga classes designed specifically for people with low back pain by experiencing 18 video-led classes and reviewing the rationale for each aspect of class to enhance your knowledge of functional anatomy and movement
Recruit and retain clients who will rave about your classes and help you grow a wellness business that you LOVE
Hi! I'm Dr. Stephanie, a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher but more importantly...
...a person who lives with low back pain.
Many years ago, I discovered yoga as the way to relieve much of my pain AND also the suffering that I was experiencing.
As a college professor and researcher, I designed a series of classes for people with low back pain based on my experience. Since teaching those first classes over 12 years ago, research has been published to support Yoga for Low Back Pain. I constantly update my program based on this research.
Now I want more people with low back pain to experience the same relief of pain and suffering.
As a wellness professional you have the knowledge and skills to help the nearly 3 out of every 4 adults who experience low back pain. You can meet people where they are, outside of our "sick-care" system, to offer accessible and affordable classes. While building a community of healing, you will also find satisfaction by providing a service that people need and see the outcomes that you and your clients expect.
I developed this training to give you confidence in your yoga offerings so you can help more people relieve the many layers of low back pain.
Create amazing yoga classes and your clients with low back pain will say...
-Client testimonials from Dr. Stephanie's Back Pain Classes
Online content includes:
- Why Yoga is needed as an option for more people with chronic low back pain.
- Review of current research on yoga outcomes for people with chronic low back pain.
- The benefits experienced from a yoga series designed specifically for people with low back pain.
- 12 Yoga Classes used by Dr. Stephanie for people with chronic low back pain.
- Each class comes with a written description of the activities performed (breathing, poses, and meditations).
- Rationale for cuing is provided that follows current pain science, helps dispel the MYTHS of low back pain, and promotes long-term lasting relief.
- 4 Classes created directly from research comparing Yoga to Physical Therapy (Saper, 2017).
- 2 Strength training classes that help you safely progress clients when they are ready for more challenge
- Guidelines for marketing these classes to health professionals and people with chronic low back pain.
By the end you will have template of safe and effective classes AND understand the "WHY" behind every cue.
Questions? Feel free to email [email protected]