Inviting all mature women whose low back pain keeps you from living the active life you deserve!

Transform the care of your low back by aligning with your values and desires. 

Experience immediate relief while working toward long-term lasting freedom from low back pain.


Having battled chronic back and neck pain for 30 years, I understand your struggle. I did all that I was taught as a physical therapist but the pain persisted. It was only by delving deeper into the impact of stress that I found lasting relief. Realizing that stress was rooted in my fears and negative thoughts, I uncovered the key to true healing—from the inside out.

Now, I want to guide you on this transformative journey. Join a supportive community of "like-hearted women" to discover PEACE out of Low Back pain.

Hi! I'm Dr. Stephanie and I've been where you are, frustrated and tired of being in pain.  Despite my extensive background as a Physical Therapist, College Professor, and Yoga Teacher, what truly matters in helping you is my personal pain journey.

PEACE out of Low Back Pain is a Coaching Program for…

Women in midlife and beyond who feel held back by persistent low back pain and deeply desire more out of life!

This program is for you if:
1. You don’t want low back pain to slow you down. 
2. You're scared that your back pain is going to get worse with age.
3. You're frustrated by being told that: “you are just getting older” or “you will just have to live with it”.
4. You know deep down that there must be a way to experience Less Pain to do More of What you Love!
5. Your physician or surgeon says that there is nothing they can do except medication or "wait until" your condition is bad enough for surgery and you think…
I don’t want to take medication. 
I don’t want to sit around and wait.  I want to feel better now.
AND I don’t ever want surgery!”

If any of the above resonates...

Then the PEACE out of Low Back Pain Coaching Program is for YOU!

Client Testimonials:

"Dr. Stephanie  has given me the confidence that I can manage my pain on my own. 

I don’t need to pay someone (massage or chiropractor) weekly to feel better.  Now, when I feel pain, I do a few activities that I know will help and they do!  I feel better immediately and continue on with my day."

Sally, Yoga Physical Therapy Client

"Your combination of Yoga and Physical Therapy expertise was just what I needed. You understood the cause of my problems and what exercises and postures would relieve my pain. I'm still amazed and very grateful that I move freely now!"


You may think that true freedom from low back pain is NOT possible.  I get it!  It's what you've been told over and over again.


But Dr. Stephanie’s clients and patients say that these experiences are possible with the PEACE out of Low Back Pain Online Coaching Program…


Go From Feeling:

  • Stress in planning your daily tasks around the achiness of the morning and end-of-day exhaustion from dealing with pain.
  • Constant Worry about whether your next move, be that carrying groceries or walking the dog, will exacerbate your pain.
  • Exhaustion from the pain that keeps you from a good night’s sleep.
  • Frustrated with the medical system that can't explain or provide an answer to your pain.
  • Grief in missing out on social events with family and friends because of the anticipation of more pain.
  • Guilt about the time that you spend on yourself because of all the other things you need to do and people that you "need" to please.
  • Anxiety that a new activity or exercise may be harmful, do more damage, or increase your pain. 


To Feeling:

  • Freedom in knowing you have your stress under control AND you can do what you WANT to do, when you WANT to do it.                        
  • Confident that you can carry out the tasks of your day PLUS even more activities without increasing your pain.                                              
  • Refreshed waking from a full night of sleep, ready to take on your day!
  • Content in knowing that you have your pain under control even without all the answers.
  • Joyful in planning your next gathering or outing without the worry of pain before, during or after.
  • Inspired for your daily movement (or other self-care) practices because you know that this time helps you show up at your BEST at every moment. 
  • Assured and at PEACE that you have the right daily, weekly and/or monthly practice to nourish your Body, Mind and Spirit.


PEACE out of Low Back Pain

 3-Month Online Group Coaching Program for Mature Women who want to Confidently Engage in an Active Lifestyle


Inside the program, here's what you will get:

4 One-on-One sessions with Dr. Stephanie via Zoom

  • receive a comprehensive Yoga Physical Therapy Examination
  • share your complete history of low back pain, including physical and psychosocial aspects
  • perform targeted movements to identify your physical limitations
  • receive a personalized plan with classes and activities to target your specific condition
  • gain confidence to progress through activities knowing that Dr. Stephanie "has your back".

Weekly LIVE Group Yoga and Coaching with Dr. Stephanie via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday at 9am EST

  • Tuesday is a gentle breathing and progressive movement practice
  • Thursday class has a strength focus
  • Get your questions answered after class to know if you are doing things right AND reduce fear
  • Connect with a group of "like-hearted" women

Personalized program with access to recorded content created by Dr. Stephanie

  • A library of yoga classes and activities specifically designed for people with low back pain
  • Lessons that reinforce topics covered in the workbook and discussed on live calls
  • Weekly check-in from Dr. Stephanie to make sure you are learning and practicing each week

Educational Resources and Activities Proven to Heal Your Low Back Pain

Dr. Stephanie's pain education workbook includes key lessons that she has provided for patient's over the last 10 years and includes:

  • Writing activities for reflection and investigation of all the sources of your low back pain
  • Self-assessments to deepen your understanding of your pain
  • Lessons about the science of pain and stress to discover your triggers
  • Guided breathing and meditations for stress management
  • Muscle, bone, and joints anatomy lessons that reveal how the body really works

Enroll in PEACE out of Low Back Pain

3-Months of Support

(one time payment)




Spread your payments over

3 Months



Here's what women say about their experience with  Dr. Stephanie's program: 

“I have given myself permission to do more activities than I would have done if I had stayed with surgeon's advice."

“I take more time to reflect on why I am feeling the way that I am. I allow myself time to be still and quiet my nervous system to disrupt the emotional pain cycle.”

“I still have pain, but it doesn’t control me. I know if I wake up sore, I either need to go to a class or practice at home the things that I have learned .”

“With Stephanie’s guidance, my confidence is improving. I can manage my back pain daily”

“I don’t want a quick fix (drugs). I want to understand my body and why it generates pain. Yoga makes me look inward and helps mitigate the pain so I can remain active.”



Plus Bonuses to Train Your BRAIN and MUSCLES


 Bonus #1:  21 Guided Meditations

And gentle movement practices for days when you need to calm your nervous system.

Bonus #2:  Engage your Core with Short, Safe, Gentle, and Mindful Movement Practices 

Dr. Stephanie's online workshop will take you step-by-step to feel and then progress support in the muscles around your low back.


Bonus #3:  Dr. Stephanie's online program, Yoga for a Better Back. 

Learn how bot the mind and body contribute to low back pain.  Safely learn basic yoga poses so that you can make each practice the BEST for you.

Bonus #4:  Osteoporosis Lesson and 3 Bonus Yoga Classes to Support Bone Health

Besides pain, many women also have osteopenia or osteoporosis.  Care should be taken to also create strong bones.


Bonus #5:  Safely Progress to Strength Training

When you are ready, Dr. Stephanie provides classes to improve both strength of your confidence and muscles that support the spine.

A word from Annabelle,

Retired Social worker and Student

"Since taking Dr. Stephanie's Yoga classes that concentrate on Spine and Back Health, I have made great improvements over time and I am asymptomatic for the most part. I do not experience the pain, stiffness, and lack of mobility that had bothered me previously. I have referred friends to her and they were impressed with her style of teaching yoga and her very approachable personality."

More About the Yoga Classes for Low Back Pain

These classes were developed from Dr. Stephanie's years of experience as a physical therapist and researcher.  They are based in current research and designed to progress slowly and methodically so that anyone with these diagnoses will benefit: 
  • Non-Specific Low Back Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Lumbago
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Herniated Disc
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Lumbar Radiculopathy
  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Poor Posture
  • Core weakness causing back, hip, knee or leg pain
  • Post surgical conditions: laminectomy and fusion

Within the classes, Dr. Stephanie guides gentle movement with education and self-assessment to determine:

  • Do I have adequate motion of the spine and hips?
  • How is the alignment and posture of my spine, hips, and pelvis?
  • Can I relax the muscles and relieve tension in my low back?
  • Do I have adequate core muscle strength to support my low spine?


Still thinking about it?


Like so many of my clients, I'm sure you have tried everything to heal your pain. 

You have given your power away to physicians, surgeons, physical therapists, chiropractors and more! 

But now it’s time to take your power back!

It is time for an approach that will EMPOWER you to Care for YOU!

You are worth it! 

Dream a little with me...

What would life be like without planning around or anticipating low back pain?
What would do you today if you could confidently move more?
What plans would you make for the future if you did NOT need to worry about your pain?

PEACE out of Low Back Pain is process...


P = Practice. Consistently practice feeling good. I offer you many ways to develop a practice of awareness that is right for you.


E = Educate.  Understand how your body works.   Understand pain science and the effect of stress on pain.


A = Assess and Align. Guided self-assessment based in Physical Therapy examination to find the true source(s) of your pain so that you can take action aligned with your values.


C = Create with Compassion. Safely try activities and create new habits that lead to much less pain.


E = Empower. Take back the power to take care of you!   Do what is right for you at the right time, with the right effort.  This includes knowing when to ask for help.


This system, while simple, is the reason that I and so many clients have been able to find their way OUT of pain, and finally feel the relief they have been dreaming of.

My clients tell me that the benefits go beyond relief of low back pain:


"I now have confidence & self-worth...I see myself as a person who is kind, honest, and not afraid to be herself. I cry, laugh, empathize, and care. I can forgive myself & others."

“Putting the time and money into your online program has helped me so much. I take the time each day to do some form of a yoga stretch or build muscle doing one of your exercises (wall sit, calf lift, toe curl/arch lift.....)”

“I read, visit with family and friends, take time to exercise, sleep and eat well too (most of the time)”

“My stress reliever is scrapbooking.  After taking your classes, now I sit in my desk chair with a posture that you taught me to help relieve pain and increase my body and core strength.”


"Dr. Stephanie's guidance has...

…helped me manage (my pain) or tell myself it is okay, that it’s a pain but not enough that I need to take pills or go to the doctor.”

…helped me to relax my muscles and focus on me”

…helped me to manage and deal with (pain) better, to feel more in control.”

... affected me positively by allowing me to not focus on problems which usually trigger or exacerbate pain.”


“Suddenly I realized myself free from pain.”

“Practicing the idea of balance between ease and effort has helped me the most. Also, accepting that whatever I can do is better than nothing. Example: a puppy pose is better on my shoulder than a down dog. Just hard on my ego to back off.”

“Slowly, I have had to say “I think I can do this movement”, try it a little then keep trying to see if I can do it more.”

"Forgiving myself and letting go of all the shoulds. Some days are better than others!"

Enroll in Dr. Stephanie's PEACE out of Low Back Pain Group Coaching Program

3-Months of Support

(one time payment)




Spread Payments Out

3 Monthly Payments of



100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dr. Stephanie wants to guarantee your 100% satisfaction and will work to ensure that you’re happy with the coaching program. That said, she understands if you decide that the program is not the right fit or the right timing, after all. Please read our Refund & Cancellation Policy here so that you know what your options are, should you choose to request a refund or cancellation.

Frequently Asked Questions