Address ALL the Reasons for Your Low Back Pain:
Body, Mind, and Spirit
Whether you live with pain or work with people who do, Dr. Stephanie's programs provide an understanding of the root causes of pain. This expanded awareness promotes PEACE and safely guide Pain Relief.
Hi! I'm Dr. Stephanie Carter Kelley...
...and I've been where you are: frustrated and tired of a broken healthcare system that keeps people (kept me) in PAIN!
Whether you are a person living in pain, a health professional, or a wellness instructor, you can experience PEACE. Here's how...
I've taken all that I learned in my years of experience as a Physical Therapist, College Professor, Yoga Teacher and, most importantly, a person living with chronic back and neck pain to create innovative, affordable, accessible, and research-supported programs that empower people to heal from the inside out.
In the programs I guide caring for the whole person: Body, Mind and Spirit.
It's the same process that I use personally to Stress Less, Move More, and Find Peace out of Pain.
Again, whether you live with pain or want to help people who are in pain...each program consists of self-study and engaging with an expert (online or onsite) to take your understanding deeper.
In these programs YOU have the potential to feel more confident in your ability to promote PEACE and overcome the burden of chronic muscle, joint, and spine pain.
People with Low Back Pain have 3 Ways to Engage.
Heal Yourself with Expert Guidance
Dr. Stephanie's workshops include assessment, therapeutic exercise and education...just like Physical Therapy. Her unique process is backed by research and enhanced with Yoga. You will use many tools to train your body and brain to optimize the health of your low back.
Live Group Classes and Pain Coaching
Dr. Stephanie's new program for women with chronic low back pain! Join her each week to engage with other women just like you!
- It seems you have tried everything else
- You are ready to find and address the root cause of your low back pain.
In the group coaching sessions you can ask questions and get support from a group of like-hearted women. Coming in early 2024.
Personalized Care from an Expert
Work with Dr. Stephanie via telehealth (zoom). From years of experience in the clinic and the classroom, she is able to see exactly why you hurt. Through assessment, discussion and movement, she helps you peel back the layers of suffering and find the source of your pain. Add private sessions to any of her programs to "fast track" your healing journey.
Not sure if are ready?
Answer a few questions and find out why your Low Back still hurts.
Take the QuizRehabilitation, Fitness, and Wellness Professional Programs
Physical and Occupational Therapy Professionals can earn 24 CEUS
Teaching Yoga for a Better Back
Build on your knowledge of treating people with low back pain to create group programs that can extend the episode of rehab to provide long-lasting relief of chronic pain. Increase satisfaction for patients and for clinicians!
Yoga Teachers and Wellness Professionals
Safely Teach Yoga for Low Back Pain
Build upon your knowledge and skills as a group instructor. Integrate the latest research on yoga, exercise, and effective care of low back pain into the classes you offer. Build a community of healing who need long-term care and guidance.
Professional Mentoring
Join Dr. Stephanie in LIVE classes and coaching sessions. Access all of her online programs. Meet monthly via Zoom. From her years of experience in the classroom and the clinic guiding both students and professionals, she can help you with the next step in your career.